Sunday, May 3, 2009


Compared to my mileage last 2 years, my weekly mileage is embarrassingly low. I used to run almost every day with distances more than 10km. Somehow, after joining triathlon, and with a bike, the running part had went lower. Triathlon is about balancing all three disciplines well enough that you don't lack any one of it. So, typically I will have a run only day, then swim and cycle day, and alternate this daily, with the occasional long run/bike in the weekends.

Last sunday, with saturday's stomach full of rendang from attending kenduri kahwin, I got to make it up by doing 20km at bkt aman. Malaysia's food is sinfully deliciously swimming in lots of fats. And I got the feeling it's beginning to pile up.

What surprised me, was the speed I was pushing it for the first 5km. It's fast (by my standards). And I think the cycling intervals in Putrajaya had helped do that part. I am used to going 100 on the cadence, and sometimes 110, while alternating between cadence and strength on the bike. Oddly, i found myself running like a cyclist would cycle. Somehow, the cycling motion legs could mimic or morphed into running legs, and wham...I was shooting it.

In a nutshell, I concluded, cycling does helps in running.

But after the 5km mark, an old persistent hip pain resurfaced (from cycling actually), and I was trodding around on my usual pace. On the way to Petronas, bumped into Tey who asked if I was doing 84km sundown this year. I said no. Sundown is perhaps the most mentally challenged run I had ever done. With cramps and sleepiness mixed into the torture, I hardly think it's enjoyable. I think running 84km to klawang and back is more fun...More things to see like trees, cows, farms....

On the way back, I was trailed by a pair of runners. And they were gaining. Hell..i was getting slower. Insticntively, I put on the turbo mode and speed off all the way back to bkt aman. I don't, or used to have these tendencies. But I think cycling has helped tuned the racer mentality.

Now..what should I do tomorrow?


Fong said...

hei, nice talking to you at bkt aman, jom tioman...

cRAzYtoMatOmaN-D said...

Totally agree with you on cycling improving our runs.

Kevin Siah said...

Was Fong one of the pair trailing you? I think also now, a few months post IM, the fast twitch muscles are coming back only into play. Keep it up, Yip.