I have finally confirmed registration for Ironman Langkawi 2009.
The office was hard too find, and there was no hint on being a center for Ironman races. Later I found out, there's other branches as well. A poster of Faris al Sultan would had been more convincing.
I met with a lady called Miss Lyn. We chatted awhile, and I had the chance to glance at the participation list. Notably, Siok Bee, opstupe, and michelle looi was there.
And oh yeah, if anyone aiming for KONA Hawaii, there's 35 slots available, excluding two for Malaysians. But the man to beat would be Wong Ah Thiam.
To be an ironman, you have to complete 3.8km swim, bike 180km, and then run a marathon. It's definitely going to be tough just to finish.
Now it's time to train...like an ironman would.
i'll say CONGRATZ first!! even b4 u even start your training!!! I have guessed so, the moment i knew u bought a bike i was damn sure to see u in Langkawi..
wooooooooo!!!have fun training!!
Lets see if I can make it alive to langkawi...
Training will surely be fun.
all the best yip!
Yip, no words can describe you better than "Just ROCKED Langkawi" kau kau lat in 2009.
before long you'll be doing the ultraman! swim 8. cycle 400 and run 84!!!
good luck for your training.
Wow...I dunno if I rock langkawi, or i get rocked by langkawi.
anonymous, s?
That is pretty crazy. Yea...actually the definition of ultraman is double ironman...but there's triple, quadraple, 5, 8, and 10 ironmans distances done before. Nobody sane will do that. Ironman is insane enough.
Your preparations would put the ironman veterans to shame... you have already done Broga and GENTING!!!
See you at Langkawi man!
alamak jauh ketingalan aku dalam latihan berbanding ko Yip.
wowww, good luck yip!
Bro Yip:
Wah.....salute u join IM dream..sure u can do it...!!
Enjoy !!
I totally agree with Kev.U put IM veteran to shame hahahaha
I think u'll rock Langkawi for sure!
There's not a single doubt bout it!The only doubt is i was wondering will u get enough of adrenaline kicking inside after u cross the finish
Nobody can finish this with lesser training. See you there !
Both us kena train kau kau punye...
Thanks...so when u going to do it?
Go for your next ironman lah...remmeber dateline end of this month.
UltraMan is a little more: 10km swim and 400km+ bike, finishing with double marathon. But you get 3 days and good 6-12hr sleep breaks.
Ride the hills, Langkawi route has had some hills which veteran IMers dismounted and walked up. Give Camerons a go, either from Tapah or Spg Pulai. S
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