Running up Ampang hill
Then down...
Reaching bt 14 hulu langat.
Bukit hantu..
I am wearing mizuno...very light.
Descending bkt hantu...
Hardly see any cyclist...I think met 3. Going straight will be leading towards Genting peres.
Finally, this is my first ultra run for this year.
I started out around 7:16am in the morning, and ran towards the Ampang lookout point. The road is not a nice one with the usual motor exhaust polluting the air, but somehow it's manageable. As I ran up the hill, a Kancil car with 3 ladies needed help changing their tyre. They had tried to stop a few people for help, but no one came to their help. So, after some 10 minutes, I did managed to get the thing done. Frankly I didn't know if I can unscrew the nuts, because I did try it once on my car, and it won't budge. Had to call the mechanic, and he used a steel pipe to add more lever. Luckily, I had trained more on the upper body, so the strength was there. So peeps, it's good to have strong arms.
Then I continued my running. Up the hill and reaching Batu 14. Stopped for a 100 plus before going for the Semenyih Dam. Now, running up bukit hantu is as tough as cycling it. With the clouds lay hanging low, it was a pretty misty affair.
Then, it was heading northwards. I was getting pretty low on energy. Actually had forgot to bring any food or gels, so I stopped an ice cream seller and had two red bean ice cream.
Managed to reach the junction to Peres in about 3 hours. Then it was running towards batu 18. But after 5km, the rain suddenly poured. So, I stopped at a sundry store, got some plastics to wrap the phone and also had soya bean drink. I didn't want to stay too long, so I kept on running in the rain. Well..the rain somehow eased off.
Then just before 2km to bt 18, I stopped at an eatery beside a stream, for some lunch. At this point it's around 40km with the time of 4:11
After like half an hour rest, it's back to pounding the roads. But it proved harder as it was noon, and the heat from the sun is raising the humidity level. Now running in heat alone is suffering, but with both it's real tough. Had to stopped for drinks a couple of times.
Soon I reached bt 18, and then another time up the Ampang hill to get back home. This time I did the fastest time of 7:19:59. A chap from my neighborhood had noticed me running at the start around 7, and he was surprised to see me running at 2 sth.
"Another run?"
I replied "Yea.." but I didn't tell him I had been running since then.
well done, well done, well done
You had forgotten to bring energy for the Ultra run?!! Hahaha... now... this is the ultimate Ultraman... salute!
Wah, girls got their tyre changed by a macho ultraman!
Anyway, great feat. All the way to the mr25.
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